Voter INformation

Concern Citizens 24

Save Our Democracy

Vote Democrat!

Casting your vote is now more important than ever.  By voting and encouraging your friends, family and neighbors to vote,  you make sure that your values and issues are prioritized. Vote Democrat to stop candidates who are trying to sacrifice our democracy to gain power. 

Your Vote Matters

Be Election Ready!

With so many voting options available, it is essential that we that citizens age 18 and above understand voter registration, their voting rights and casting their vote.

Register To Vote

U.S. Citizens who will be 18 or older on Election Day have a right to register to vote.

How To Vote

Learn about the different ways that you can cast your vote in any election.

Election Calendar

See upcoming elections and opportunities to vote in Michigan.

Where To Vote

Learn how to find the places available to you to cast or return your ballot.

Vote Democrat

2024 Election Calendar

Key dates that you should know for the 2024 Primary and General elections.

July 27Start of Early Voting
August 6Primary Election Day
October 26Start of Early Voting
November 5Election Day!

Get Involved

Pass It On!

Learn how you can get involved and spread the word to help defeat anti-democracy candidates and preserve our democracy for future generations.

Concerned Citizens 24

Political advertisment. Paid for by Concerned Citizens 24. Not authorized by any candidate or party.